Honored to be Verified By, Listed With, or A Grant Recipient of These Great Companies*
Learn more about Warriors Mission. Who we are, why we were formed, and who we serve.
Founded from a calling to do more. Where the contributions made go beyond the individual. The contributions that could impact a family, and a community for generations to come. Everything we do is wrapped in our value of doing more good, having more meaning in the community and having more purpose in our lives. To do more with the lives we are given. More for the communities we live in. More for the people that surround us.
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
Proverbs 11:25
The challenges, struggles and hardships that everyone goes through in life, help to shape who they become as people. It is our mission to help empower the members of our communities to be all that they have been created to be, and more. To encourage all people to live a life that is healthy; emotionally, physically and spiritually. We know that each of us is on a mission of some kind. We know that it is not always easy, and sometimes, you have to fight like a warrior just to get by.
We are passionate about changing lives, helping others by giving a helping hand up, and impacting our World for good.
We are a community of believers with opportunities to celebrate, connect, and contribute. Whether in our relationships, community, or around the world, we want to help all people know about and enjoy a deep and personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ.
We are a non denominational, multi cultural, bible based fellowship in Valrico Florida. We are a different kind of church. We measure success by our sending capacity, not our gathering capacity. We really believe God placed us here on this earth with a purpose, to create a positive change in our shared world. Our deep convictions help you in fulfilling your destiny.
We want you to feel free to come as you are, be served, so that you may also serve others. We believe this is a key for developing spiritually. You are welcome here. It does not matter to us where you have been or what you have done. We all have a past. Our focus is on your future. There is NO JUDGING HERE.
No church is perfect and we are not an exception. However one thing we do well here is allowing people to start over. We believe that Your origins can not limit your destiny, your history does not determine your future, nor can your troubles stop your life's purpose. So become a part of the dream team and be the “Overcomer" that Jesus promised we would be.
On behalf of our great Pastoral staff, Directors, Elders and Administrative team, encourage and welcome you to A Warriors Mission.
Pastor Jax
* Verified By, Listed With, or being A Grant Recipient does not imply endorsement, affiliation, approval or recommendation, and we are in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with any of the companies mentioned
A Warriors Mission is a place where “it’s OK not to be OK.” You can come as you are and you’re going to find a family here. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey you are welcome here. We exist to help people know God, grow in God, discover their purpose, and make a difference. One thing we know for sure is that Jesus changes lives. We’ve seen countless lives completely transformed and we believe God has so much more for you and your life!
In 2015, A Warriors Mission began meeting as five adults in a home, all with the calling from God. Soon after, becoming a mobile church, meeting on Sunday mornings in local locations, and hosting small groups in homes.
In 2018, Pastor Jax was called to care for her aging parents in Florida. Since moving to Florida, Pastor Jax continued to lead services over the telephone, and slowly built a new congregation in Florida.
In 2019, A Warriors Mission was incorporated in the state of Florida.
2020 - Covid restrictions had put a hold on any thoughts of in person meetings.
Jacs is the founding pastor of A Warriors Mission. Starting in Howell, NJ with a team of people during the spring of 2015.
A Warriors Mission has become known as a life-giving, diverse, multi-generational, church. In 2019, A Warriors Mission incorporated in the state of Florida, and has since received IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.
"I have spent many years in the non-profit sector, and when He called on me to do more, I did not hesitate to answer."
Her responsibilities include casting the overall vision of A Warriors Mission, teaching and preaching, overseeing staff, and leader development as the church grows. Learn more about Jacs.
We are looking forward to :
We are excited about this next chapter in our story, and we look forward to seeing how God is going to use it to help many more people find and follow Christ!
We believe that everyone has had a time or two in their life when the storms of life brought challenges that were difficult to get through. Sometimes we got through these storms on our own, and sometimes we needed a hand up. A Warriors Mission lets people know they are not alone in their storm.
Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Your donation has impact in the communities, meeting the needs of humankind without discrimination.
There's never an easy time to remind people that giving to A Warrior's Mission means helping members of the community during their time of crisis, helping prevent homelessness and so much more. We bring hope when the unspeakable happens.
We can't afford to feel embarrassed asking you to Donate, just like you should not feel embarrassed if you ever have to ask us for help. We do it for the families in great need. Warriors should not have to be in battle alone!
The challenges, struggles and hardships that we go through in life help to shape who we become as people. It's those moments, those stories, that keep us pushing through. When you share those stories and moments, you show others what is possible! Please join us on Facebook
A Warriors Mission, Inc. a 501(c)(3) registered non profit organization, incorporated in the State of Florida. Contact Us here
Inspire Others, Implement Solutions and Impact Our World For Good
© All rights reserved. A Warriors Mission Inc. Our mission is to help meet the needs of humankind without discrimination.
Funds donated in excess of need will help us continue to serve our communities throughout the year. A Warriors Mission, Inc. is a trusted 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services by calling toll-free within the state 1-800-435-7352. Registration doesn’t imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the state. Florida Registration # 62900. Tax Id # 84-3175352.
Gifts to A Warriors Mission are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. You can be assured that we will take all reasonable measures to honor requests by the donor, but please know we retain all control and authority over all contributed funds and have the authority to redistribute those donated funds in connection with our charitable and religious purposes. This authority allows us to maintain our 501(c)(3) status. IRS rules require that the fair market value of any gift received in connection with a donation must be subtracted from the amount claimed for deduction. Donations made to A Warriors Mission are put to work immediately and are not refundable. If you believe that an error has occurred in connection with your donation, contact us at partnerservices@warriorsmission.org